Written Randomness

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I Like Weddings...

Ok is this not one of the cutest pictures you have ever seen? I went to my cousin Jason and Renee's wedding this last weekend in Visalia and I was quickly reminded that I really like going to weddings. I know going to so many can take away from how incredible a wedding truly is, but I just love them. They are never the same; people are different, smells are different, atmospheres are different, colors are different, sites are different, cultures are different, families are different, but each couple is joining as one flesh. This somewhat mysterious union that happens when two people are joined as one. Suddenly you don't have one family you have two, and suddenly you don't think for yourself, you constantly have someone to put above yourself (talk about acting out love) and we are told that we are now a part of that person. God is so creative and this is one of those ways he demonstrates His love by showing us just how He wants us to understand the grace, mercy, forgiveness, redemption, selflessness, and humility He has demonstrated towards us! I am so excited to be a part of so many weddings and so many unions and see so many people having a ball. This is my cousin Heidi. She was pooped. She had sat so nicely while we did her hair for about and hour and she walked down the isle while dropping her rose pedals and smiling all at the same time. That is tiring for a 3 year old. She decided to just plop right down on the grass. O to be 3. It was adorable though. I really love my family and it was a blessing to see my cousins join together in marriage. I am looking forward to another summer full of weddings and I will take in each one as though I did not attend 3 in the past 3 weekends, because to me they all are different, new emotions new smiles, new cakes :), new lives and new blessings! Congrats to: Kim & Derek, Shannon & Ryan, Tom & Shannon, Toni & Adrian, Jenny & Nick, Nik & Rachael, Lawson & Laura, Kyle & Dana, and Ryan & Jessica. Go get 'em.


Blogger T-Dub said...

Brooke, you're totally right. Marriage is an amazing gift from God. It's cool to see that understanding and viewpoint you have. You will make a great wife one day.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Brooklyn said...

Thanks a lot Tim that truly means so much!

9:32 PM  
Blogger A Smith said...

I like you Brooke...its ashley by the way. Ya...you better know which one :)

9:45 PM  

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