Written Randomness

Friday, March 23, 2007

60 Years of Marriage

Here is most of my family on Christmas Day, 2006. These are the product of my grandparents and they are quite amazing. Two weeks ago we celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. These two people have seen so much and been through so much in their lifetimes. My grandpa was in World War Two, and my grandma stood by him through all of it. My family just seems to get bigger and bigger, and as it does, the intimacy in which my grandparents have with all of them stays the same. Everyone that becomes a part of our family begins to feel at home right away because of their servant attitudes. I love them so much. They have so much love and they have so much compassion. They want to see our family happy and serve each person in the same capacity. I am so blessed and I am so honored to have watched for 22 years of this marriage and to see them be faithful and to encourage us to do the same. They honor the Lord in their relationship and they have the utmost respect for others around them. I am blessed by their examle and can't wait to be a part of more anniversaries to come. :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

One Sweet Sunday

This Sunday Charlie and I attended Sandals Church, and boy am I glad we did. We were blessed to watch as Sandals sent out their very first short term service team to Africa, listen to a sweet sermon by Pastor Matt about prayer, and we also watch 3 of our friends get baptized that day. I am so proud of Kimmy as she has strived to be an agent of change in a very large church and has truly desired that the Lord would humble her through it all. Pastor Matt brought it about reverence for the Lord as we pray. We must exhibit with our bodies what we are saying with our mouth, we must give Him praise as we pray and know that if He never answers another prayer again that His work on the cross and resurrection is more than we ever would have deserved, and we should be moved to repentance when coming before Him. I sat and more than twenty people were Baptized in the name of Jesus and made a public proclamation to live their lives for Christ. This is such a beautiful thing to watch people come to Christ, admit they need a savior, and humble themselves in front of loved ones and peers and state that they are a new creation living in His shadow. I am thankful. Thankful to know Christ and to know that He lives and that He moves among His people here and now. Thank you for your authenticity Sandals.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Sandals Worldwide

This is Kimmy. (Isn't she so cute) She is the Global Outreach coordinator for Sandals Church in Riverside. I think she is pretty amazing and she is such a professional with what she does, she has been there for less than a year, but already she has made this job her own and she has poured much of her sould into serving the people of Sandals Church. This tuesday she is leading her first overseas trip to Botswana and I am so excited for her. This is something that she has worked so hard to do and she truly desires to see the Lord be brought more glory through what she does. I am glad to be praying for her as she goes and as she is there and as she returns. Thank you for the example that you set Kimmy, you are a blessing in my life!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Ode to Anatomy

So I want to go to nursing school. I am currently taking 2 classes at Riverside Community College...funny cause I already have my Bachelor's in Administration. I am in Anatomy and Physiology and Chemistry. In other classes I could get away with not reading the text book and coming up with my own ideas about the goings on of Management, but with these classes you either know it or you don't. If you don't read the text book you are not going to get very far. If you don't spend time memorizing the terms and the body parts you will fail. The great thing is that I had a nurse tell me that none of her nursing classes were as hard as the anatomy classes and so far I have done fairly well. That brings me hope that I will be able to make it through. I must say though that we were truly given so much thought by our Creator. He made us so incredibly complex and He made each of us unique in the most slight ways that make us look completly different yet so the same. Everyday I am more and more amazed at the way He made us with such intricate detail and that same God loves me and pursues me with His truth. For that I am thankful! Thank you to all the people who have spent their lives trying to figure out the way we work and what we are made up of because I know that I would not have had the brain power or the patience. I get to benefit from their persistence and hopefully care for others as I exercise this knowlege.